2017 Season Information

(Scroll down for youth and junior season information)

Please check out our FAQ page if there is any other information you require, or send us an email.


Competition Dates and Teams

Teams available: Premier, Reserve, Division 1-4 (for both men/women)
Competition dates: 1st April-27th August (promotion/relegation on 2nd/3rd September)
Competition days: Saturday - Premier, Division 1/3; Sunday - Reserve, Division 2/4
Game start times (approximate): Saturday - 12-5.30pm; Sunday - 10am-5pm
Locations: Around Auckland - see turf locations here.


Premier/Reserve Men - 12/19 February, 6-7.30pm
Premier/Reserve Women - 12/19 February, 7.30-9pm
Open Women - 11 March, 1-3pm and 14 March 7.30-9.30pm
Open Men - 11 March, 3-5pm and 13 March 8.30-10.30pm

All events above will be held at Auckland Grammar Hockey Turf (3 Normanby Road, Mt Eden)

Additional dates will be added if required. Please RSVP to our Facebook events here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/auhc.org/events. The club reserves it's right to place players in a team based on their ability. We will take special circumstances e.g. work commitments into consideration where possible. A place in a team cannot be guaranteed if you do not attend trials.

Training Times/Locations

Subject to final confirmation.

8.30-9.30pm, AGS, Monday
8.30-9.30pm, Epsom, Tuesday

9.30-10.30pm, AGS, Monday
7.30-8.30pm, Epsom, Wednesday

Division 1/2/3
9.30-10.30pm, AGS, Thursday

Division 4
9.15-10.15pm, AGS, Wednesday

7.30-8.30pm, AGS, Monday
7.30-8.30pm, Epsom, Tuesday

8.30-9.30pm, AGS, Monday
8.30-9.30pm, Epsom, Wednesday

Division 1
9.30-10.30pm, AGS, Monday

Division 2/3
8-9pm, LEP, Tuesday

Division 4
9.15-10.15pm, AGS, Wednesday


Competition Dates and Teams

Competition dates: 5th May-27th August (no play 2-5/6, 9/7, 14/7 16/7, 21/7)

Preseason Dates

Muster: 18 March 1-3pm, Lloyd Elsmore Park

Registration open

Training Times/Locations

Exact times to be confirmed once teams are selected

Thursday evenings, Lloyd Elsmore Park


Competition Dates and Teams

Teams available:
Fun Sticks (Year 1-2), Mini Sticks (Year 3-4), Kiwi Sticks (Year 5-6), Kwik Sticks (Year 7-8)
Competition dates: 6th May-1st July, 26th July-16th September
Game days/times: Saturday mornings

Preseason Dates

Muster: 12 March 1-3pm, Lloyd Elsmore Park
Skills Workshop (Year 1-6): 26 March, 1-3pm, Lloyd Elsmore Park
Trials will be held from 14 March for Year 7/8 teams

Registration open

Training Times/Locations

Year 7-8 - 6-8pm, Tuesdays, Lloyd Elsmore Park
Year 5-6 - 5pm, Wednesdays from 3rd May, Panmure YMCA
Year 3-4 - 4pm, Wednesdays from 3rd May, Panmure YMCA
Year 1-2 - 4.15pm, Wednesdays from 3rd May, Panmure YMCA
Details for Beachlands-based players TBA.


Black Sticks Selections


2017 Premier/Reserve Trials