Junior Summer Hockey
2019 Junior Summer Hockey
The Primary/Intermediate Summer Hockey Competition is held on Tuesday evenings from 4.15-6.30pm. The format for the Summer Hockey Competition will be the same as previous years.
Format & Times:
Boys, girls and mixed teams; grades for Year 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
Year 3/4: 6-a-side on 1/4 field, usually 4.15pm*
Year 5/6: 6-a-side on 1/3 field, usually 4.50pm*
Year 7/8: 6-a-side on 1/3 field (GK optional), 5.25pm or 6pm*
*Times are approximate and will depend on number of teams per grade
Games are 30 minutes long (14 min halves)
Location: Lloyd Elsmore Hockey Stadium, Lady Marie Drive, Pakuranga
Date: Tuesday 15 October and runs for 9 weeks finishing Tuesday 10 December 2018
Cost: $60 per player
Entries close: Wednesday 25th September
Please email davidaitkenhead@gmail.com if you have any queries.