senior, winter AUHC President senior, winter AUHC President

2021 Premier/Reserve Preseason

2021 Premier/Reserve preseason dates

Trials for AUHC Premier and Reserve Men’s and Women’s teams will be held on the following dates:


13 February 2021 - 10am-12pm, Auckland Grammar School (3 Normanby Rd, Mt Eden)
20 February 2021 - 11am-1pm, Auckland Grammar School (3 Normanby Rd, Mt Eden)


15 February 2021 - 7-9pm, Mt Roskill Grammar School (Somerset Rd, Mt Roskill)
20 February 2021 - 1-3pm, Auckland Grammar School (3 Normanby Rd, Mt Eden)

Update 8 February - due to a number of players indicating that they would be unavailable on 13 February, the first men’s trial has been shifted to Monday 15 February at Mt Roskill Grammar School.

Additional dates for preseason training sessions and games will be added, ahead of the start of the season (for Premiers - 13 March, Reserve - early April).

Please register using the link below to save time on the day.

You can also RSVP to our Facebook events to stay up to date.

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2020 Junior/Youth Muster

Junior and youth musters for Year 1-8 and 9-13 players - come along!

Come along to our junior and youth musters to have a hit around, catch up with teammates, and get back into hockey!

Junior Muster (Year 1-8)

Date: Sunday 8 March
Time: 2-4pm
Location: Lloyd Elsmore Park (Turf 2), Pakuranga

Youth Muster (Year 9-13)

Date: Sunday 8 March
Time: 4-6pm
Location: Lloyd Elsmore Park (Turf 2), Pakuranga

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senior, winter Guest User senior, winter Guest User

2020 Senior Trials

2020 Senior trial dates



2, 9, 16 February, 6.30-8pm
Auckland Grammar School (3 Normanby Rd, Mt Eden)


2, 9, 16 February, 5.00-6.30pm
Auckland Grammar School (3 Normanby Rd, Mt Eden)

Note: Additional dates may be added as required (e.g. for midweek trainings)

All other grades (Reserve, Division 1-4)


March 7, 14, 3-5pm
March 12, 7.30-9.30pm
Auckland Grammar School (3 Normanby Rd, Mt Eden)


March 7, 14, 1-3pm
March 11, 7.30-9.30pm
Auckland Grammar School (3 Normanby Rd, Mt Eden)

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winter, senior AUHC President winter, senior AUHC President

Announcement: 2020 Reserve Women's Coach

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Grant Rumble as Reserve Women’s coach for the 2020 season.

The club is pleased to announce the appointment of Grant Rumble as Reserve Women's coach for the 2020 season.

Grant was previously coach of the AUHC Premier Women's team for 7 years, and has also been involved in various levels of representative coaching for Auckland, including U13 Development Boys/Girls, U15 Development, U21 Men (co-coach), and NHL Women (co-coach in 2004, coach in 2005-2006). He has been heavily involved with the club's junior and youth teams for the past few seasons, and currently plays for the University Old Boys D1M team and Auckland Men's Masters team.

At this point in time, we would also like to thank Andrew Wong for his coaching contributions with our Division 1 and Reserve Women's teams over the past two seasons.

Premier/Reserve Women’s trial dates for the 2020 season can be found at the link below.

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senior, winter AUHC President senior, winter AUHC President

Announcement: 2020 Premier Women's Coaches

2020 Premier Women’s coach announcement.

The club is pleased to announce the appointment of Josephina Ah Sam and Graham Child as Premier Women’s co-coaches for the 2020 season. Both Josephina and Graham are ex-premier players for SLAM and University respectively.

Josephina has played Auckland premier hockey for 15 years and was co-coach of the 2019 Auckland U15 girls team who finished 2nd at National Tournament, while Graham has extensive coaching experience which includes Assistant Coach for the Blacksticks Men, University Premier Men, Auckland U21 Men, Auckland Collier and U15 Girl’s teams.

Josephina and Graham are looking forward to building a strong Premier women’s team.

The club believes that having quality coaching across all teams is a priority to ensure players are able to achieve their full potential.

The club would also like to take this opportunity to thank Will Lacey for his coaching contribution over the past three seasons, and we wish him all the best in his future coaching endeavours.

2020 Trial Dates

Sunday 2/9/16 February, 5-6.30pm at Auckland Grammar School, 3 Normanby Rd, Mt Eden

Additional dates will be added as required.

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